White Fish Carpaccio with 18-Year Aged Balsamic

Ingredients (for 4 people)

Prepare the fish:

Have your fishmonger fillet the fish if not already done. Ensure all bones are removed.

Using a sharp knife, slice the fish very thinly, preferably against the grain for a delicate texture.

Arrange fish slices on a serving plate, slightly overlapping to cover the surface.

Season the carpaccio:

In a bowl, emulsify the olive oil with lemon juice, salt and pepper. You may add finely chopped rosemary for extra aromatics.

Pour the emulsion evenly over the white fish carpaccio.

Add the Balsamic:

Drizzle with Midolini 18-Year Aged Balsamic. The sweetness and complexity of the balsamic will add depth and richness.

To serve and decorate:

Finish with fresh parsley leaves or chopped basil. For added colour, garnish with edible flowers or rocket leaves for freshness.


This white fish carpaccio with aged Balsamic makes an elegant starter or opening course for a sophisticated dinner. The combination of fresh fish, lemon acidity and balsamic sweetness creates a perfect balance.

Wine Pairing

Pairs perfectly with white wines such as Pinot Grigio or Friulano wine.


For an interesting contrast, add pink peppercorns for a spicy note that complements the white fish well.